Still Family provides supports and services to individuals whose primary diagnosis is an intellectual and/or developmental disability. We specialize in supporting those who are dually diagnosed and have challenges with MH Issues. North Carolina provides support services through statewide organizations called MCO’s Depending on your location within NC and Medicaid Eligibility you would be served by the MCO in your area. We currently provide supports in the catchment areas covered by Cardinal Innovations, and Vaya Health.
List of Services
Residential Services (Level 1-5)
- Personal Care Services
- Respite
- Community Networking
- In home skill building
- Specialized Consultative Services
- B3 Respite
- Community Living and Support
- Crisis Intervention and Stabilization Supports
- State Funded Services
- Coming soon… Medication Management
For Your Information
Still Family’s core revenue will be generated through the reimbursement
of Medicaid funded services. In addition, SF will accept private insurance
and private pay.
It is the intent of our agency to provide an array of services that will enable
individuals with a variety of needs to be serviced by SF. Still Family will
provide highly trained individuals to provide both professional and Para-
professional services.